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Soft Dynamic Qigong, Guigen Qigong

Soft Dynamic

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Section 6



Section 2

    Regulation of Spleen  For promotion of digestion of food and energy.

(1). Begin by performing warm-up movement.

(2). Perform opening and closing movements with arms (hands) moving to abdominal region (Zhongwuan Point) on closing and stretching out wide to front on opening 3 times.

(3). Rotate palms (arms) downward from last opening position, lower your body about 6 inches while arms extended. Imagine a crane flapping its wings. Raise your body up on toes on upward movement. As you lower yourself imagine your arms pressing two floating balls into the earth. Down and up 3 times. Each time go lower until third time lowest. From lowest squatting position scoop earth energy up between legs, returning to a natural stance.

(4). Placing both palms in front of right side of lower abdomen (near liver). Begin circling from the right side up (clockwise) and around times. Then counterclockwise 3 times.

(5). Line up palms in original starting position (right side of lower abdomen). Line up Laogong points left hand in front of right. Begin extending palms (arms) away from the body to front center line. Exhale as you do so. Pull in palms to dantian next (slowly) as you inhale, in and out 3 times. Imagine qi pulling into rear dantian point on inhale and extending on exhale. (or ignore the breath as you do so.)

(6). After third time, bring palms apart, still near front center line, turn palms upward to face chin (salivary glands) to stimulate secretion. Then turn palms downward, lead saliva sinking down to dantian.

(7). Finish with closing movements. Then begin next cycle. Do entire cycle 3 times (movements 1~6).

(8). End exercises with closing movements.


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