Guigen Qigong Experiences Practice & Teaching The Static
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Soft Dynamic Qigong, Guigen Qigong
Soft Dynamic
Section 3 Regulation of Lung For adjusting and balancing qi in lung and large intestine channels. (1). Begin by repeating the warm-up movement. (2). Holding ball. Twist the body to the left, turn the left foot to the left, at the same time, hold an imaginary ball between your hands at the left side of your body, right hand on top of left hand. (3). Inhaling. From previous position stretch the left hand (with palm facing downward) out to left side (parallel). Draw back right arm (hand) to chest (along left arm, yang channels) as you inhale and turn left foot to original position. turn left palm upward and poll up left arm to middle of chest while right hand traces line from left chest to left lower abdomen to right lower abdomen to right chest then opens up palm up to right side. Hold breath while you do this. At the same time twist the body to the right and turn right foot out to the right. (4). Exhaling. Stretch out the left hand to the right along the inside of the right arm (yin channels) and draw back the right hand (palm up) while exhaling. (5). Repeat 3 and 4 to this side. end up with right palm on top of left palm on left side. (6). The body turns to the front, arms expanding, imaging an expanding ball. Close arms, two palm centers (Laogong points) to chest (lungs), imaging bringing qi emitting to lungs on closing movements. 3 times. Following the third time, relax elbows to in front of torso, palms turn to face the face, Lao Gong over Yingxiang point(LI 20) moving in and out three times, letting the bad Qi out and the good Qi in, then lead qi down to earth. (7). Repeat warm-up movement to begin next cycle. Then practice 2~6 starting from right side, practice cycle 3 times each side. (8). End exercises with closing movements.
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